
About Us

We see our goal as giving systematic knowledge of the basics of political science, but to do so in an interesting and entertaining way. We hope that our school will give someone back ground under their feet, inspire someone else, and prepare participants for a future in which politics returns to the daily lives of citizens.

Politics is about bringing people together to solve common problems. In Greek, “politics” is “the affairs of the polis,” i.e., the affairs of cities, which were collectively dealt with by their inhabitants. Throughout history, people have taken their destiny into their own hands many times: in ancient Athens, during the Roman uprisings of the plebs, in medieval city communes, in the great revolutions of the New Age, in parliaments, municipalities, and in street marches of thousands. Politics is an opportunity to influence what happens, to be a citizen, responsible for the fate of his country.

What we offer

Systematic knowledge of politics, interesting classes, incisive discussions, open dialogue

What to Expect

Competent and brilliant teachers, a community of like-minded people, guest lectures by renowned scholars

What is on the program

Basic and Specialized Courses, Reading Groups, and Courses in English. You can study any course or choose several.

Format of courses

Seminars and lectures, discussion of texts and watching videos, small group work and round tables with experts

The peculiarity and uniqueness of the school is associated with a profound change in the values and attitudes of its participants, changes in the attitude and perception of the political environment and the civil society, and a redefinition of the interrelations and interconnections between members of society and the authorities occurring in the school.


  • To develop among participants a critical understanding of reality and events that occur in the political and social spheres of life
  • Inform the public about the values and principles of state and political mechanisms functioning
  • Create a public and social call for a quality formation of state policy
  • Create a network of like-minded people who unite on a local level and begin to implement systemic changes at the local level
  • To expand information and exchange experience with regional community activists and experts